Friday, December 20, 2019

Drug Addiction And Its Effects On The Brain - 4200 Words

With President Reagan’s war on drugs, combined with the rise of crack cocaine in the early 1980s, minor drug offenders were filling the United States prison system at a rapid rate. From 1980 to 1990, the U.S. prison population doubled while, at the same time, the proportion of those imprisoned for nonviolent drug crimes grew from 7.5 percent to 24 percent; over a 300% increase (D Amico, 2013). In order to be proactive in rehabilitating an offender with a substance addiction, many aspects of their problem needs to be addressed. According to Leshner (1997), drug addiction is a chronic relapsing disease resulting from prolonged effects of drugs on the brain (p.1). Leshner (1997) goes on to say the most effective treatment will include biological, behavioral, and social context components (p.1). Without resolving key components to rehabilitate an addict, the chances of them being rehabilitated in an efficient matter while imprisoned are low, thus making their re-enterence into prison a likely reoccuring event. This was also the way a group of â€Å"visionary† justice professionals viewed this national problem saying they were â€Å"tired of the same faces and the same cases repeatedly appearing in court† (National Association of Drug Court Professionals, 2014). In 1989, these justice professionals from Miami took the combination of a structured court system, the authority of a judge, and a structured substance abuse rehabilitation program and turned it into Drug Court. Another way to beShow MoreRelatedDrug Addiction And Its Effects On The Brain Essay1753 Words   |  8 PagesFor some people, the use of alcohol and drugs can lead to a chronic disease or long-term illness that has serious medical and social consequences. Are you feeling down, left out, trying to fit in? 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